Friday, May 23, 2008

The Fingerprints of God Touching Us

This post is in response to a request for our findings of the Fingerprints of God:

Where do I see them? In myriad little moments of joy, which have surrounded me thru this journey of grief & loss. I hold on to every one as tightly as I can, each a lifeline to the rock of survival & sanity & transformation. Here is a partial list:

When my darlin' got to her final room at the hospital, she enjoyed the view of the Austin skyline, as well as she could see it by then. A concrete balcony outside her window was home to a pigeon family: strutting father whose job was to puff out his chest & pace the railing, chasing off squatters who tries to move in. He also occasionally brought food. Mother had a chick, just starting to try to fly a bit, & 1 egg. A day later, anther one was being busily rolled around & fussed over. A display of the circle of life, there courtesy of the Creator.

In a hospital waiting room in Austin, a lady called out to me "Aren't you from Bastrop?" I am. We then began to chat, & realized we knew many of the same wonderful, kindly souls in that & surrounding communities. She was in fact a pal of my darlin' wife from years ago, & we were able to share stories of love & charity, & she stopped in to see my pretty girl, & both their spirits were lifted.

As I was in the elevator heading for the lower level pharmacy minutes before she was to head to Hospice, everyone but me piled out at the 1st floor. In walked a young man who moved to the far corner. I was startled to see him: a buddy of our son's whom I had not seen for years, who is currently wed to our son's 1st wife. He works for a courier service & was making a quick delivery: I informed him of what was going on, & I do not know if he stopped by to see her: he was on the elevator for less than 15 seconds, amidst a metro area of 1,000,000+ people. There were the Fingerprints of God.

At the funeral home 2 days after she passed, the director informed me that she would be cremated in Kerrville. I almost came out of my chair: that tiny town was where we were married, so many years ago! When we picked her up, I related that story to another director, & in walked the man from Kerrville who had cared for her.

My darlin' leaned on everyone around to make sure I went to powwow in Fredericksburg. She passed a week before, & my son & I attended, planning to honor her in the prayer dance. Unfortunately it was too hot to allow the dancers to perform. Last year my darlin' & I attended & I parked her under a shady oak & headed out to get the car. A very concerned young fancy dancer came up to her: "Mother, are you all right? Can I get you a chair, or some water, or tea?" "No, son, thank you, but my husband will be here with the car in a moment." "Are you sure>" asked the dancer, "I can get you a chair from this vendor, & anything you want to drink..." "Thank you, I am fine: you have been taught well." she told him. His response: "Well, it is our way." "And a fine way it is, too" she said. He blinked in surprise, leaned in & whispered, "It is not often that we hear white people use that term!" "I too have been taught well!" she said. He laughed, patted her shoulder, & ran off as I pulled up. This year I pointed that spot out to our son as we entered, & as we left I stepped into the shade at that spot. I was immediately enveloped in her presence, with a powerful energy coursing thru my body. I lifted my eyes to Heaven & gave thanks for this gift. My son reached out knowingly, & patted me on the shoulder. Then I knew: the fingerprints of God had closed another circle.

Dear friends had given me an old power wheelchair for my darlin' which I found was too expensive to repair. I loaded it on my sister-girl's trailer along with assorted furniture that I threw out to make room for her care equipment. She was at a store in Rockne, (population what, 17?) when a group of South-of-the-Borderans approached the trailer,spotting the bottom frame of the chair. One told her (thru the language barrier) that he had the exact chair chassis which his loved one could not use as the seat frame was broken. He was thrilled to learn that she had the intact seat assembly right there: Sister-girl called me so excited, & I called my friends: they said they had just prayed that the chair would go to someone to whom it would be a blessing: Fingerprints? You bet!

I was outside our beloved Wolf Lodge speaking on the phone, when a little black bug started bumping me on the chest. I thought I recognized it, & followed it to the door, where it landed on a glass pane, rested for a moment, then lifted off, flew back to me as it lit up, then sailed straight up into the air until it faded from sight. Four years there, first lightning bug. These creatures were very special to my darlin', due to a camping trip we made long ago...

There are so many more of these blessings: I know that His Fingerprints are all over our lives, & certainly on my heart. I will continue to add to this post as I am able to remember them.

1 comment:

Rosebud Collection said...

A beautiful blog..I have no doubt about Fingerprints of God touching us..I even find these blogs another of God's Fingerprints..Blessings to you...