Friday, June 13, 2008

In Senses Bold

In senses bold, taking life in

Does my mind wander aimless,

Tracking traces of my heart

Upon the doorsteps of those I love

Welcome in, they call

And I sometimes step over

The piles of my regrets

To accept a warm embrace

But knowing my stay within is short

I cast my eye upon the door

Regrets piled higher than before

Blocking my path to evermore.

So out I climb, the effort grows

Til I can no longer face the mound

Of lost possibilities, & missteps

And my journey turns aside.

Within me, I wonder as I wander,

What lies there, awaiting dawn

To pounce upon my consciousness

And skew the path to my redemption

Alone I walk, my hands so ache

For another hand to clasp ‘pon mine

And walk with me, wearing my coat

Amidst the winds of destiny’s chill

Stay warm, companion, mind me not

For cold is my companion, too

The dusting snow clings to my boots

To walk with me until the dawn

In darkness, stride, one step to next

The mocking stars gift me no light

No destination do I seek, now,

For it matters not now where I lie

In senses bold, I take life in,

And send it out, keeping none

Tracking traces of my heart

Past the doors of those I love.


Rosebud Collection said...

Beautiful and very touching..

RetroCycle said...

very it