Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why Anger, Why Now?

Why am I angry now
After all has gone me by?
Where joy I saw as it flashed me past
Now see I but that which I detest
And me I detest anew for its' effect.

Shining sun & smiling face
Do naught to lift my heart
The promise of promises to be fulfilled
Leaves me no hope for happiness to come
Just loneliness is gifted me in my duress

So me this prison time arrests
And me grips in cold embrace
As water from a sky of ice
Escapes & mocks me with its' flight
Chilling the heart of me, gray & wasting

Anger me warms not with passion
Blood runs blue & frozen, mocking
The hardened veins deliver no breath
To a heart that cracks with every beat
Is life for me a cursing cross, or is it gone me without farewell?

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